Call for papers BSGLg n° 84 (2025/1)


Miscellaneous Volume


Scientific editor : Pr. Bernadette MÉRENNE-SCHOUMAKER

Deputy scientific editor : Pr. Geoffrey HOUBRECHTS


Call for papers

This volume will favour researches by young scientists working in departments of geography or associated with fundamental or applied geography.

All articles should include:

• a “State of the art” section where the author will present the current state of research in the field of the work presented as well as the research question initiated from this state;

• a part corresponding to the processing of original data in connection with the chosen question.

The research may focus on a regional or local space provided that the results can constitute a scientific and/or methodological contribution to the studied field.



30/10/2024 - Deadline for receipt of contributions

30/06/2025 - Publication.


Submission of proposals

All proposals should be sent by email to


Authors guidelines

All the proposals must comply with the instructions to the authors of the BSGLg.

Articles must be submitted on the basis of layouts which can be downloaded from the journal's website:

Full instructions to authors on text, figures, tables and photos formatting are available at download (pdf).

Submissions that do not follow the Guidelines for Authors may be rejected.

Call for papers

Call for papers (vol. 84) open

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